After the inter-congress sessions in Baltimore, USA (October 2010) and Varna, Bulgaria (May 2011), the next major event for RC25 is IPSA's 22nd World Congress in Madrid during 8-12 July 2012 on the theme of "Reordering Power, Shifting Boundaries".

As noted in November 2010 in the general letter of the RC Chair and as reiterated by IPSA itself on several occasions, proposals for panels as well as for papers at the 22nd World Congress are to be submitted directly to: by the end of May 2011.

While RC25 is obliged to sponsor at least two panels (one of which may be joint -- see below), the "sky is the limit" in terms of opportunities because the Program Committee urges that a wide range of options be submitted in relation to the general theme of the 22nd Congress. Therefore, RC25 members should take the initiative. At present (mid-April 2011), various sources have suggested possible themes for panels and papers by RC25 members but, as yet, no concrete proposals. A non-exhaustive list of possible themes include:

     ** Pay for Performance

     ** Migration and Health

     ** Public-Private Partnerships

     ** Equity and Health Systems

     ** Policy Analysis and Health

     ** Health Reforms


As for joint sponsorship of a panel, RC25 has been approached by RC32 (on Public Policy and Administration) and by the Public Policy Group of the Belgian Association of Political Science for a joint session on "Patient Empowerment and Democratic Polity: Political Challenges and Theoretical Issues". Papers are invited that address any aspect of this issue, particularly those blending empirical observation with conceptual/analytical developments. If interested, contact the RC25 chair (Jim Bjorkman) for more details.