04Jun 2011
Invitation to submit paper proposals to RC25 panels that are in the process of formation
17:22 - By James Björkman
IPSA’s Research Committee on Comparative Health Policy (RC25) invites the submission of proposals for papers that may be included in one of the following panels which are currently being formed. If you are interested in participating in any of these panels, please contact the named convenor or convenors at her/his/their email address provided in parentheses.
Health Policy Analysis, Health Politics and Policy Change
– Jeni Vaitsman (vaitsman@uol.com.br) & Monika Steffen (monika.steffen@iep-grenoble.fr)
The Changing Architecture of Global Health Governance
–Pieter Fourie (ppfourie@gmail.com)
Comparative Health Policy: Foundations, Foibles and Futures
–Jim Björkman (bjorkman@iss.nl)
Patient Empowerment and Democratic Policy: Political Challenges and Theoretical Issues (jointly co-organized by RC32,
– Hal Colebatch (hal@colebatch.com), Fabrizio Cantelli (fabrizio.cantelli@ulb.ac.be) & Jim Björkman (bjorkman@iss.nl)
Please note: RC25 welcomes additional proposals for panels from its members & associates so do not hesitate to continue the process! And if not a proposal for a full panel, then propose a topic for a paper that would provide a vehicle for your interests and research.